I have never in my life owned a Misfits record. Never had the urge, and unless something strange, new and exciting happens to me in the future (like the show I'm about to mention being a corker), I probably never will. Even in the thick of my Hardcore Joe days as a teenager, they never went within my radar. Perhaps it was their wilfully dumb image and/or the hordes of pimply-faced Metallica fans who donned their t-shirts, but for whatever reason, I figured they weren't my bag. Sure, I've heard their records over at friends' places many times... a track here, a track there. So shoot me down: they never made a dent in my consciousness, and still don't. BUT - and that's a big but! - they're touring here next month with this truncated, absurd and mightily curious line-up: Jerry Only, Robo and Dez Cadena!! Dez fuckin' Cadena! Ro-fuckin'-bo! Should I bite the bullet? Is the opportunity to see Dez - my fave 'Flag screamer - in the flesh no matter what half-arsed context he's in worth it? I missed him in San Fran in '99 when he was playing w/ Loaded (a short-lived outfit he had w/ Duff from Guns 'n' Roses[!!]), so it looks like I'm forking out some cash on the punk rock karaoke hour that is Misfits 2006.
