I've been off the blog for a bit. There's two reasons for this...
Firstly, my blog manager was rooted and not allowing me to log on, but secondly, and far more importantly, my wife just gave birth, on the 1st of March, to our first baby, Bessie Violet Lang. She was 11 days late, but everything went fine. Right now I'm flying higher than I have in years, so I'm just going to enjoy the thrill for a while. I'm off work for 3 weeks and will be back here w/ a music-related entry later in the week. This is supposed to be a strictly music-oriented blog, but what the hey, I can't keep this kinda great news all to myself, can I?
I've been off the blog for a bit. There's two reasons for this...
Firstly, my blog manager was rooted and not allowing me to log on, but secondly, and far more importantly, my wife just gave birth, on the 1st of March, to our first baby, Bessie Violet Lang. She was 11 days late, but everything went fine. Right now I'm flying higher than I have in years, so I'm just going to enjoy the thrill for a while. I'm off work for 3 weeks and will be back here w/ a music-related entry later in the week. This is supposed to be a strictly music-oriented blog, but what the hey, I can't keep this kinda great news all to myself, can I?