A reader of Lexicon Devil has alerted me to the fact that there is a blog entitled X-Ray Barbecue where one can actually download Dawson's excellent How To Follow... LP in its entirety. Go here and hit click! In fact, X-Ray Barbecue features a pretty cool mix of tunes, and has the dubious honour of being the first blog I've encountered which basically replicates much of my record collection ca. 1991-'97: Dog Faced Hermans, Dawson, Stretchheads, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, Hands To, Noggin, Sun City Girls, Pork Queen, Trumans Water, Crawling With Tarts, Kenny Process Team, etc. Still, much of this is still good listenin' in the year '08, so start yer perusin', pronto!
i DO own a copy of the cd, but it's 16 hours away from nyc (where i am) in a box in a basement in storage.
Hope all's well with you.