Shameless self-promotion...

YAWNING MAN's Vista Point CD is now out exclusively on Lexicon Devil. It contains their now-deleted Rock Formations LP and Pot Head EP on one CD w/ brand new artwork: 12-page full-colur glossy booklet, the whole deal. If you like anything from Syd's 'Floyd to Dick Dale to early Meat Puppets to F/i to Can, you may just dig their sounds. I'm putting this out for one reason: it is, along w/ TEN EAST's Extraterrestrial Highway, the best collection of rock music I've heard in 5 years. It's a fuckin' honour, truly.

New studio albums on the label coming in '08 by: TEN EAST, YAWNING MAN, EMBERS and CASTINGS.

Dig it!


Anonymous said…
This is great news. Me I actually prefer YM to TEN EAST - I mean I listen to it more often. But it's a close call. This new cover photo is atually more evocative of their sound than the "no rocks were defaced in the making of this pic" one used on the Alone Records issue.

Any bonus live DVD tucked away in there?
Dave said…

No DVD w/ this edition, we decided. Didn't think it was necessary, and if anyone wants to see it, it's all on the ever-reliable YouTube.
TJ Honeysuckle said…
Hey, Dave. we spoke about this last week.
My mailing address:
T Block
2/35 Myriong St
Clayton 3168
if you still feel like sending me a copy.