Since I'm in the mood for posting videos right now (or perhaps I should say "now that I've finally learnt how to post videos"), I give you this little treat. Many of you have probably seen this already, but it's a pleasure to witness the Travis Bickle of rock 'n' roll, psychic warrior and man-motivator, Chuck Dukowski, say his piece on LA television back in, say, 1980 or '81 (given the mohawke, it's gotta be around then). If you haven't seen it, it's well worth the price.
Now, does anyone have a copy of Jello tearing shreds off Sounds' Donnie Sutherland Down Under ca. 1983 live on TV, or the semi-notorious (mythical? bullshit??) interview w/ Tesco Vee on community TV ca. 1981?