Talk about kicking against the pricks! Some people just don't get it. Is the re-evaluation process happening for this much-ignored gem underway? My re-evaluation happened long ago. I hope others give it a go. I won't write about it - done that before - instead I'll reprint a review for Black Flag's Process Of Weeding Out 12" EP, a masterpiece of slow-burn avant/improv/jazz/punk/metal which had everyone running for the hills upon release (and an EP I once stated I wished had been a double LP!), from the pages of Ink Disease fanzine ca. 1985. See what I mean? Some people just didn't get it.
Since I'm the only Ink Disease crew member to take Black Flag seriously since "My War", I'm the only one qualified to investigate this all-instrumental album. By now, the sides are drawn on Black Flag's "progression." I'm one of the few that enjoyed "Loose Nut" as much as "Jealous Again." So, with objectivity clutched to my breast in defense, I say this, "There isn't one actual song here." Not one. Listen to "Obliteration" or "I Won't Stick Any of You..." from the past and you know that Greg Ginn is capable of compsoing a real insturmental song. "I Won't Stick..." reminds me of "Wipeout", for Christ's sake, in its adhearence to classic rock'n'roll rules.
There are no rules here, and without rules, instrumentals turn into improvised jamming. Yes, I like Greg's solos. I like his unique guitar sound (the more dischordant, the better) and believe you me, you'll get plenty of it - too much. Why didn't they concentrate a bit more on developing a tune or two? All style and no substance. More stuff like this and Black Flag can join Rush as "progressive metallers."
-Brady Rifkin (from Ink Disease #10, Winter 1985)
Thanks to the folks at Kill From The Heart for keeping this one on file.