I'm not usually one for linking this page to the steaming pile of hipster nonsense known as the Vice web site, but it occasionally brings home the goods. Actually, I've never even browsed the site (I was made aware of this article elsewhere and simply followed the link), so I can't speak for its contents whatsoever, but who in the hell cares? The article in question - THIS ONE - you most definitely should read. It's once again written by Sam McPheeters, the same person who wrote the Crucifucks/Doc Dart article I linked to last year (search for it, if you must: you won't regret it). McPheeters was the singer in noted '90s HC outfit, Born Against, a band I promise to listen to before I die (if only to make good on a promise to friends), as well as a Maximum Rock 'n' Roll columnist from back in the days when I actually used to read it (those days ended about 17 years back). I always liked his columns for MRR, and his writing has, if anything, improved greatly with time. He picks truly unique subjects, and the '60s magazine known as Horseshit is certainly no exception. From McPheeters' description, it comes across like a Boyd Rice/Jim Goad publication from the hippie era, only it existed in an even greater cultural vaccum than both Rice and Goad like to imagine they inhabit (they don't: they're counter-cultural/existentialist/misanthropic cliches just like you, me and everyone else we know. Sorry). The two brothers behind the mag, Thomas and Robert Dunker, were equal parts Larry Flynt and Ed Sanders, and whilst McPheeters doesn't truly get to answer the burning question of what exactly made these two men create such a nasty piece of work (they weren't hippies, radicals or beatniks, from what I can gather), the mystery remains part of its beauty. Of course, I've never read a word of Horseshit, but judging from Sam's description, I'm nevertheless glad it came to be. Time for a Feral House anthology, methinks.
I'm not usually one for linking this page to the steaming pile of hipster nonsense known as the Vice web site, but it occasionally brings home the goods. Actually, I've never even browsed the site (I was made aware of this article elsewhere and simply followed the link), so I can't speak for its contents whatsoever, but who in the hell cares? The article in question - THIS ONE - you most definitely should read. It's once again written by Sam McPheeters, the same person who wrote the Crucifucks/Doc Dart article I linked to last year (search for it, if you must: you won't regret it). McPheeters was the singer in noted '90s HC outfit, Born Against, a band I promise to listen to before I die (if only to make good on a promise to friends), as well as a Maximum Rock 'n' Roll columnist from back in the days when I actually used to read it (those days ended about 17 years back). I always liked his columns for MRR, and his writing has, if anything, improved greatly with time. He picks truly unique subjects, and the '60s magazine known as Horseshit is certainly no exception. From McPheeters' description, it comes across like a Boyd Rice/Jim Goad publication from the hippie era, only it existed in an even greater cultural vaccum than both Rice and Goad like to imagine they inhabit (they don't: they're counter-cultural/existentialist/misanthropic cliches just like you, me and everyone else we know. Sorry). The two brothers behind the mag, Thomas and Robert Dunker, were equal parts Larry Flynt and Ed Sanders, and whilst McPheeters doesn't truly get to answer the burning question of what exactly made these two men create such a nasty piece of work (they weren't hippies, radicals or beatniks, from what I can gather), the mystery remains part of its beauty. Of course, I've never read a word of Horseshit, but judging from Sam's description, I'm nevertheless glad it came to be. Time for a Feral House anthology, methinks.
If you're gonna venture into the Born Against catalog (and you should, since despite not having a single 100% consistent record- not even 85% consistent record-, they were a breath of fresh air in the early 90's almost totally worthless NYHC/Tough-guy/ Straight Edge Metal-cum Hardcore scene), I guess the more interesting one would be their 2nd Album, the 10 incher "Battle Hymns of the Race War", taking their combination of Thrash, Noise Rock and, dare I say, Grunge (in the sense of the Melvins or the 1st Nirvana record, though) to the field of pretty compelling and, at times, melodic songwriting.
Their other records (1st LP "Nine Patriotic Hymns for Children" and rare tracks/ EPs compilation "The Rebel Sound of Shit and Failure") ain't that shabby and feature some great and intense Hardcore songs ("9 years later", "Half Mast"), though the aforementioned lack of consistence hurts a bit.