Speaking of grievances, let me say a word or two about "International Record Store Day", which came and went just yesterday. I think it's a great thing. Anything which brings the hoi polloi, the great masses, into the independent music stores of the globe like it mattered once again, can not possibly be a bad thing. Not that the masses ever cared about independent music stores before everything started going completely tits up half a decade ago, but it appears to have reached critical mass in the year 2013. For one, I am thankful because it helps keeps me in a job and puts money in the tills of many friends of mine. However, there is one caveat: it seems to have been slightly hijacked by the forces of stupidity. Firstly, there's the umpteen pointless "exclusive" RSD day releases brought out annually by all and sundry, both large and small. There are items of worth - the reissue of Half Japanese's epochal 1/2 Gentlemen/Not Beasts set is a good day indeed, no matter what day of the year it may be - but it's also cluttered w/ otherwise unsellable offal from some of the indies (who shall remain nameless), w/ some of the majors chiming in with such essentials as, uh, a picture-sleeve edition of the Sex Pistols' "Pretty Vacant" 7". Whoopee-doo, indeed. If you really feel compelled to buy such an item (a fine song, of course, but it is included on the album, too, ya know), then pat yourself on the back for purchasing a "collectors' item" which will never be worth anything above and beyond what you paid for it in the first instance. And if such a thing is bought on a whim, then again, thanks for supporting the indie music retailers of the world and I hope you enjoy the tunes. I could think of other records you should be spending your money on, but of course I would say such a thing. The analogy I use for RSD is that it has now turned into the Melbourne Cup Day for record stores (MCD is a once-a-year horse race here which, for reasons not understood by me, remains a big deal): it's the annual opportunity for thousands of clueless dilletantes to pretend they care about something they actually couldn't give a shit about the other 364 days of the year. Cynical? I've been too close to the action for many years to be any other way, and I wish RSD all the success in the future. The fact remains this: I had a great time.
Speaking of grievances, let me say a word or two about "International Record Store Day", which came and went just yesterday. I think it's a great thing. Anything which brings the hoi polloi, the great masses, into the independent music stores of the globe like it mattered once again, can not possibly be a bad thing. Not that the masses ever cared about independent music stores before everything started going completely tits up half a decade ago, but it appears to have reached critical mass in the year 2013. For one, I am thankful because it helps keeps me in a job and puts money in the tills of many friends of mine. However, there is one caveat: it seems to have been slightly hijacked by the forces of stupidity. Firstly, there's the umpteen pointless "exclusive" RSD day releases brought out annually by all and sundry, both large and small. There are items of worth - the reissue of Half Japanese's epochal 1/2 Gentlemen/Not Beasts set is a good day indeed, no matter what day of the year it may be - but it's also cluttered w/ otherwise unsellable offal from some of the indies (who shall remain nameless), w/ some of the majors chiming in with such essentials as, uh, a picture-sleeve edition of the Sex Pistols' "Pretty Vacant" 7". Whoopee-doo, indeed. If you really feel compelled to buy such an item (a fine song, of course, but it is included on the album, too, ya know), then pat yourself on the back for purchasing a "collectors' item" which will never be worth anything above and beyond what you paid for it in the first instance. And if such a thing is bought on a whim, then again, thanks for supporting the indie music retailers of the world and I hope you enjoy the tunes. I could think of other records you should be spending your money on, but of course I would say such a thing. The analogy I use for RSD is that it has now turned into the Melbourne Cup Day for record stores (MCD is a once-a-year horse race here which, for reasons not understood by me, remains a big deal): it's the annual opportunity for thousands of clueless dilletantes to pretend they care about something they actually couldn't give a shit about the other 364 days of the year. Cynical? I've been too close to the action for many years to be any other way, and I wish RSD all the success in the future. The fact remains this: I had a great time.
Each restore I find here (USA) has a section for unsold "Record Store Day" and as you would expect is filled of the past 3 years crud. Pitchfork darlings, those Warners Bros. cover split 7", or a billon frigging Shins singles that are not 'New Slang'.